Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catch up Day

Last night we had a very pleasant meal with Mal and Cathy who own a Lightwave, we met them on the hard stand where Mal is working on his boat. They kindly picked us up and the four of has had a lovely meal. Today has been a catch up day. But we started the day with a ride in the dinghy to Hope Island Marina, where we had a nice coffee in the sun and a wander around. We just might do the same tomorrow! We have finally got quotations together for the insurance company, Nautilus Marine – lets hope they get a good write later in this blog. We faxed them off today. The poor Lightwave people must be sick of the sight of us but boy they sure have been helpful. We are also in the middle of an engine service, which we needed after the “drive” up the coast. Guess what, the engine based bilge pump is cactus the weld holding it on has broken. It’s really only minor and fixable. Poor Chris is sick of the plaster already. We still don’t know how long we are here or what will happen when but we are not in a hurry so we’ll just take it easy.


  1. Andrew - you just relax and take it easy, I wouldn't want it any other way. Leave the stresses and strains of keeping this crazy old world spinning to the rest of us suckers down here. We're only too happy to help in any way we can.

  2. Hi guys. We were at the rugby with G&M tonight (sadly saw the Tahs beaten by Western Force but had a great meal at a new Bistro Greg found).Were talking about your exploits and Chris's bad tidings email which prompted me to read the blogs to date on return home. Don't despair! things can only get easier, and you will only remember the good bits anyway! Chris, your photos are fab, and I hope you have some nail polish to give your bung hand a manicure as there isnt much else you can do with it. In fact, I think a comparative report on beauty salons up the eastern coast of Oz could be a public servce worthy of exploring??We had a fab time in Egypt .. but then again we didnt have to be captain & crew on the Nile! Got back on Good friday, and all well and happy here. Safe sailing! keep up the blog. x AJ & Ric

  3. Hi guys
    Have just figured out how to do this blog thing!!! Sorry it took me so long.
    Sorry about your arm Chris..what a bugger when you have to keep your balance...sober
    We've just been away for 3 nights to Coffs's school holidays as you would most likely not be aware of nowadays...but you will be in 5 years.
    It's been flooding up there for 2 weeks ,then we had 3 fine days, and as we left it poured. Our usual luck is the reverse siyuation... never go camping with the Stewarts!
    Back in town's windy, cool, a bit of a change. Ellen spent the day in hospital today..had her 4 wisdom teeth removed this afternoon..she's a bit groggy tonight. I'm told the next 24 hours aren't pleasant. Poor girl, she's so good..I hate seeing her suffer. It didn't help that Mum kept telling me 'don't do it'. I'm sure she meant well ...but the dentist assured me the wisdom teeth weren't coming through. Geoff's been saying to Ellen all evening 'How is a blonde going to survive without her 'wisdom' teeth!!'Even though she can't smile, the glint was in her eyes.
    Are you coming back to Sydney at all as you suggested might happen, whie the boat is in port?
    Call me if you do...have a coffee.

  4. Just in case your still on the Gold Coast, my eldest daughter Kylie has her own Beauty Salon at Runnaway Bay, it called Vanity Beauty Clinic and she has always heard me speak fondly of Gruesum Drewsum AKA Pooey Drewy.....I am relly enjoying reading about your exploits and hope that one day you sail into Darwin Harbour....Jan
