Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chris en route while the Ladies relax as we've got it under control the next pic is our new hardtop & halyard / reefing arrangment with the fearless crew in charge. We are delighted to be able to say we are now free again to pursue our goal of heading north. Yes, the work is now finished (with the notable exception of one or two things that a subbie did not complete but we can move on). We set sail from the Gold Coast on Friday with Steph and Rob , who took a day off to come for a ride and we motored all the way to Tangalooma, an anchorage off Moreton Island in Moreton Bay. It took us all day to motor but the day was beautiful and the ladies made the most of it (see photo). We arrived at the anchorage (“protected” by some old wrecks) at dusk and enjoyed a rolly but comfortable night. The next morning we cracked it! We had a wonderful sail all the way to Mooloolaba, 15-20 knots of S/SW breeze and Phlat Chat slid along at a good pace to land us in Mooloolaba at 1330 to cross the bar which was dead calm. We are now in Sydney for a while to attend a function and soon we will be back heading for Wide Bay (and the trickiest bar on the east coast- but more of that later).

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