Saturday, November 7, 2009

We arrived at Sea Hill mid morning on Wednesday not too much of a great spot and no wind (that is until 2 hours after we arrived – we should have left later). The next morning, Thursday was “The Narrows” a thin strip of water between Curtis Island and the mainland leading to Gladstone. It is very shallow – so much so that it dries out at low tide and cattle are herded across at low tide on dry ground. We had to wait until the tide was right – easier for us than for the keel boats travelling with us. Cadenza Blue and Synergy had to time it just right as they draw about 2 m. We all got through with Phlat Chat leading the way as we only needed a metre. We got to Gladstone Marina, and did the work start!! The girls hired a king cab ute and went shopping filling the back – the ute even had a flashing yellow light on the roof – very cool. The boys did boat jobs – we fuelled three boats with jerry cans, which took a long time, filled up water , replenished gas for cooking etc. We had Rob Turnbull to dinner and it was great to catch up with Rob. We even saw him the next morning at 0540 when he delivered a package for us. Thanks mate! We left Gladstone at 0555 to go to Pancake Creek before the next big southerly blow comes in - they are not supposed to do this at this time of the year but the weather system have clearly not read the book. Looks like we are here for 5-7 days before a long run to Bundaberg. Today’s trip was not much fun, safe but lumpy- 15 knots from the east and of course on this part of the coast we are heading due East!! Pancake Creek is a great place so it should be fun especially with all the boats we are sailing with who were at Port Clinton too. We also caught up with Bob and Julia again so that was a bonus. “Sundowners” was on a sand island that forms at low tide. We were restricted as to how long we could stay as there was an incoming tide. It was good to have an early night.

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