Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday 14 July Happy Bastille Day folks! Australia’s tardiest blogger has become inspired to add a note or two. Since we last wrote up the blog we have been touring with Tom and Nancy, been to Great Keppel Island and are now en route to Pearl Bay (north of GKI). So, Sunday we went for a drive to Byfield and enjoyed a few hours in the hinterland with Tom and Nancy. It was a good drive and the Marina lent us a car for a few hours – what a great service. On Monday we vacillated about leaving the Marina for GKI as it was drizzling from time to time and I did not want to get wet! Anyway we decided to leave for GKI about 11 and anchored up at Svendens Beach about 1330 and it fined up to a beautiful, sunny, warm afternoon. We went for a long walk up the now dry creek bed and along the beach. We had drinks on Schools Out, a big catamaran, we had met Brian and Rowena last year (both ex teachers, hence the name) so it was fun to catch up and meet a few other cruisers. On Tuesday we went for a HUGE walk along Leeke’s Beach and also went up the creek at high tide in the dinghy – it was fabulous. Very narrow in places and clear as crystal. Go Back(Tom and Nancy) arrived out mid afternoon. So we went walking and yabbying with them – not very successful but fun. A few drinks on Phlat Chat last night and an early night as up at 0600 this morning to head north. Trolling now but not much luck so far! Hope to get to Peal Bay today but might only make Freshwater Bay – but no worries both look good anchorages.

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