Friday, June 18, 2010

A fellow I met this evening in Coffs Harbour Yacht Club described cruising as “fixing your boat in exotic locations”. Well, he is mostly right. Yes, Phlat Chat is tied up in Coffs Harbour marina. Thursday 10.30 Andrew at the helm when a loud crack is heard and then a hump. I knew immediately what is was – the damn steering cable had parted, snapped in two. No helm, no steerage nothing, Until we got sorted. Lucky for u sit was in the day time and only 23 NM from Coffs. We were able to rig the emergency tiller which worked well, also the auto pilot worked as it is directly connected to the rudder bar, lucky, It was blowing about 20 knots. We radioed Coffs VMR and let them know we were coming in and arrived about 1600. John was on the emergency tiller and I was calling, “starboard”, “midships”, “port” etc and working the throttles. We tested it all at sea and just as we were coming in a ruddy great whale swam in front of us – great timing. But it was all fine and we made the harbour with no worries. I was pretty nervous about getting into the Marina it is a tight spot at Coffs. Should not have worried with John on the helm and Scott pointing out trawlers coming out we had by the throat. We tied up and sorted the boat, nicely done lads! After a few beers it seemed things were OK. The boys flew home on the 0630 flight. They were a great crew welcome any time – but no damn pistachios next time, god they make a mess. Friday was spent cleaning Phlat Chat and trying to source a new steering cable. It is being made in the Gold Coast and is in transit as I write this blog entry (or I HOPE so!).

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