Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday 27 June 2010 You think a week is a long time in politics, well it is ages for cruising. A week in Coffs to fix the steering cable – it arrived on Tuesday and I managed to fit it that day. How good FIG JAM! It even worked like it was meant to. Chris flew up on Wed night – it was good to have her on board. We left Coffs at 0500 Friday to get to Yamba, which meant we had to cross the bar into the Clarence river. We arrived about 1500h and the bar was OK with a few rollers and some white water in places but we made it in with no worries (except the Admiral wasn’t impressed). We invited Rob Howie down to spend the weekend with us to explore the Clarence River. However Rob was railroaded into an overnight trip of 90 NM to the Gold Coast. Chris drove Rob’s car to the Gold Coast and Rob and I did 2 hours on 2 hours off leaving Yamba at 1500 and arriving at the Gold Coast Seaway at 1000 on Sunday. I am sure we will sleep well tonight. Both Chris and I are VERY grateful to Rob for helping us out like that - we are lucky to have such good mates. Thanks also to Steph in whose house Chris was able to stay. Some neat whale action this morning – a big lad doing barrel rolls at sunrise. Tomorrow up at sparrow’s to start the trip to Mooloolaba. PS we will try to start with some pictures soon!

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