Friday, August 21, 2009

Well, it didn’t blow much in Cid at all, in fact we were surprised when we went around the corner into Fitzlan Passage and it blew 22 knots so Cid was a great anchorage. We motored to Gulnare Inlet to await the arrival of Mrs Howie’s little boy Robert on Thursday. However the tides have been very low and on Wednesday afternoon we found Phlat Chat sitting about 60 cm higher than normal– we were aground, but no matter she is designed to sit happily on her keels and she did exactly that. We then had the chance to scrub her down a bit, so now she MUST go faster! On Thursday morning we hopped in the dinghy and motored over to Hamilton – it was a bit damp but hell we dried quickly. We met up with the kids and invaded them – it was fun to play with Sophie again, she is so cute. Chris stayed with the kids the night to allow them to go out to dinner together and Rob and I motored back to Phlat Chat for a “boys night” – but we were VERY good. Next day Rob and I took Phlat Chat out of Gulnare to Hamilton and found a brand new public mooring – good job! I took the dinghy into Hamilton while Rob boat sat. We were then able to see the kids and the Sophinator. Judy Stevens arrived at 2.30 for the weekend which will be fun. We are now in Dugong Inlet and it is quiet here – dinner in on the BBQ and it is all GOOD!. Tomorrow we might go out to the reef to Bait Reef – we will see.

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