Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Emily is here! She arrived on Sunday, Bucket having gone home on Friday. On Friday morning we went into town to the shopping centre to stock up, Bucket left from there to go to the airport. The shopping centre was very busy and we were surprised how many people were there. While we were waiting for a taxi back to the marina we got talking to a couple who looked like yachties, yes Chris picked it in one and we shared a cab back. It turns out we had been in a few anchorages with Tom and Nancy from Bloodhound. We knew which boat they were from before we formally met them – you recognise boats first and people next, lovely couple from a farm out of Guyra. On Sunday we met Em at the marina office having stowed all the tucker we purchased (and grog of course – Bucket put a whole in that !). We left early Monday morning for St Bees and Keswick Islands. It was breezy – about 22 knots and we had a bit of excitement for Em, the schreecher got into a knot but we were able to sort it out. We also caught a nice Spotted Mackerel, which was dinner that night and tasty too. We had a quick trip to the islands and girls went for a snorkel at St Bees northern shore – not too good apparently. We picked up a mooring in a ROLLY anchorage in the channel between the islands. It was not very comfortable. While we were moving a pod of five whales swam majestically up the channel – we had to move to get out of their way. It was fabulous, the channel is only 250 m wide and 5 whales pretty much filled it! Tuesday we sailed in very leisurely fashion to Brampton Island where we will rest in a less rolly anchorage. We plan to go for a bush walk and a reef walk.

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