Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well, I have been a bit tardy in updating this – sorry, but here goes. Sunday was such a nice day we and John and Fran from Palmask, who were going to up to Gladstone with us decided we’d just stay (actually John dinghyed up to Phlat Chat to announce they decided to stay and we copied them!). It was a great day. We went out on to the flats to collect yabbies (nippers in NSW) and got enough to allow us to go fishing that afternoon. Five of us fished and we ended up with 12 whiting, which we BBQ’d on the beach that night with salad – yum yum, and yes, Chris got the biggest. Monday we did sail to Gladstone – great sailing for the first four hours, perfect (if the sun had shone). We arrived at the Marina about 1500 and tied up, after waiting ten minutes for two tankers (one which is in the picture) to pass in front of us. We were able to catch up with Rob and Jo too which was a treat. Rob, is an old school mate of Andrew’s and we don’t see them often. They had dinner aboard and asked us to their place last night. We had a great couple of days. They also very kindly allowed us to use their car today for shopping – thanks guys. Ian, Chris’ brother-in-law arrives tomorrow and we plan to sail up north again. The weather does not look too good however, blowing 30 knots – yuk. So we might wait. Thanks to our military who are spending our tax dollars hand over fist playing war games with the Yanks etc, a whole section of the coast is closed to boats, due to live firing from ships and planes etc. So to get past we have to do an overnight sail from Great Keppel to Middle Percy Island and we miss some very pretty parts of the coast – but c’est la vie ! Ian is helping with that leg and we sail to Mackay with him, to then pick up Emily, our younger daughter for a few days – we are excited to have one of the kids join us.

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