Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tuesday at Brampton was fun. We walked up the top of the lookout about 3 km each way – it was hot work but a great view. That afternoon John O’Brien in his classy stink boat, “Blue Sapphire” took the trouble to steam south to see us while he was in the Whitsundays. It was great to see the boat and catch up with JOB and his family (well most of them anyway). We had a lovely night and they were very hospitable, thanks John. Wednesday dawned superb, the sun was shining the breeze was light and it just apicture perfect day. After a coffee on Phlat chat with John they went off to do the walk we did yesterday and we motored around to Dinghy Bay – what a pretty place. Emily has invented a new snorkelling technique, we think it is called mechanised snorkelling. She (and her mother) put on their snorkels and goggles, stuck there heads in the water over the side of our tender and I motored slowly along with their heads lolling in the water. I hate to think what anyone watching would have made of it but they seemed to think it worked. We motor sailed back to Mackay Marina for Em to go home tomorrow, but as we pulled into the Harbour a whale was performing about 500 meters off shore. What a great welcome to Mackay, we were all agog as this chap played around in the water. After we tied up we went for a walk and looked into the Hotel on the Marina to see what it is like and who should wander through the door the K. Rudd himself ! Yep the PM the Grand Fromage himself. G’day Prime Minister” , says I – “G’day Andrew”, says he. Well half of it is true I said G’day. Then we walked down the beach for a drink and nibbles and who comes strolling by but young Kev again – offered him a beer but he was dead keen on a walk and a long one too. He was in joggers, shorts and tee shirt but the security blokes were in suits , poor buggers – one of them toyed with stopping for a beer with us but his sense of duty overcame him. So quite an eventful day really.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you look like you are having fun, but you look ridiculous!
